Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Bubbles & Happiness

Emotional states oscillate like emulsion of oil in water. As if the two naturally coexist, for every droplet of joy, there is equal volume of pain. One second I am floating in complete bliss, the next I drift into a globule of sorrow, not knowing when I will drift out again. The bubbles of happiness, seem so ephemeral and fragile. I wave my hands around but I can never quiet catch them. It really is a jungle out there. I could be having the best day, strutting in paradise where there are endless pleasant exchanges. A smile, a compliment, a pat on the back. The next thing I know something blows up in my face like a landmine. A frown, a complaint, a silent look away. My brain automatically and incessantly seeks out those behavioral hints, triggering the translation of external factors into stimuli that will dictate my emotions. Am I crazy to be so easily influenced? MY emotions, MY happiness, my very own sanity, is at the mercy of other people’s simple gestures that may or may not mean anything. I am almost ashamed to admit to such instinctive need for confirmation and ingrained eagerness to please. Toiling over the interpretation of these cues, something is lost: a sense of identity and self-worth.

Someone said to me once, “Only you can make yourself happy. A more reliable source of happiness is gotta be somewhere deeper down within yourself. Don’t let anything or anyone ruin it.”

That’s it, my 2008’s resolution.