Saturday, May 20, 2006

The Da Vinci Code

Went to see The Da Vinci Code yesterday. Despite the chaotic experience of not having my phone and my fabulous friend was stuck in traffic for half an hour, I enjoyed the movie. Went in with really low expectations because I thought the book, although exquisitely suspenseful, was not very impressive linguistics wise. I was surprised it actually translated into a very good movie when the camera replaced the prose. Knowing the ending didn’t ruin the movie either, because I remembered only pieces of the convoluted plot from reading the book two years ago. Tom Hanks’ hair was a minus, but Audrey Taotou‘s cute French accent was a plus. The albino Silas was very well played by Paul Bettany (he had a less grotesque but absolutely handsome leading role in Wimbledon).

When we got outside the theatre, there was a row of nuns and priests holding signs that included, “DO NOT MOCK MY GOD”. They were all in black, a very sharp contrast against green grass and blue sky in front of the theatre. Somehow my mind had a flashback to the bloodshed of the crusade and the dark secrecy of the Vatican.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow they were protesting. Thats so cool. Freaky Jersey has no action. I have to go see the movie this week. I never read it though..hopefully I will be able to follow the plot.